Friday, 21 February 2025

The Machine Stops Study Guide


The Machine Stops

Reading Group Guidelines

Introductory Note

Over a century ago, when World War I was yet to happen, E.M. Forster wrote The Machine Stops. He predicted a future scenario not unlike that in which we find ourselves today. Forster's portrayal of the ultimate end of technological progress coupled with apathetic materialism is deceptively easy to read. Like all his writing, however, it is beautifully crafted,

According to Wikipedia, the Fantasy Book Review calls The Machine Stops "dystopic and quite brilliant" and says "In such a short novel The Machine Stops holds more horror than any number of gothic ghost stories. Everybody should read it, and consider how far we may go ourselves down the road of technological ‘advancement’ and forget what it truly means to be alive." and rates it as 10 out of 10.

The story is "a chilling tale of a futuristic information-oriented society that grinds to a bloody halt, literally. Some aspects of the story no longer seem so distant in the future." A lecturer in the story provides "a chilling premonition of the George W. Bush administration's derogation of "the reality-based community". (If you have no idea what George W. Bush's administration might have suggested, you can look it up on the internet.)

When I first studied The Machine Stops as a student in the 60s it made very little sense. Video-conferencing, the internet and Artificial Intelligence were still way into the future. By 2020 Will Gompertz could observe: "The Machine Stops is not simply prescient; it is a jaw-droppingly, gob-smackingly, breath-takingly accurate literary description of lockdown life in 2020.

Forster's short story is a gift to today's concerned parent, home-maker, artist, farmer and citizen. It raises every subject of concern today, from care of the land, care of the child, mental and physical health, respect for the arts, nature, to the spiritual life. Above all, he provides a platform for opening up debate on the crucial issue of the role of finance in determining civic rights and responsibilities.

The question is - is it logically inevitable that technological progress will produce a society that cannot sustain itself?

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See below STUDY DOCUMENT 1 by Arshin Adib-Moghaddam (below) "AI can't replace empathy that makes us all human" Catholic Universe, 5 Feb 2021

by Arshin Adib-Moghaddam

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See also:

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The first task is to read the story through at least a couple of times - there is so much hidden in each phrase and sentence. Note points you would like to explore. Obviously, the scenario Forster presents is totally unworkable. No human society could function with individuals living in total isolation from each other and from nature. Nevertheless, as Forster so uncannily foretold, that is the way things are going. And if so, it will indeed grind "to a bloody halt".

Forster's scenario is unworkable because the cultural sphere has been denied resources and eliminated by the political and economic spheres working hand in hand. (See eg "Towards a Threefold Commonwealth", New View 98, Winter 2020-2021, and elsewhere in these texts.)

Monday, 30 September 2024

Lambton Castle Dream


Lambton Castle is a country residence that was converted into a Residential College for Adult Education by Durham County Council Education Committee in the decade following World War II.

The Council drew up a constitution for the College, and appointed John Huddleston (1905 - 2002) as Warden, with a free hand to develop a curriculum as he saw fit. And so I moved into the Castle in 1952/3 with my parents and my younger sister and brother. My father's story is told in A Diary of a Yorkshireman, parts of which are available on request. My mother, Amalia Katerina Keilwert (1917 - 2002) was born in the wonderful City of Salzburg, was educated in Vienna and married John Huddleston in September 1939, just as war broke out.

After the shock and horror of two world wars (see the variety of autobiographies, published and unpublished, of so many people's wartime recollections), Lambton provided the opportunity to relax in a residential setting away from the routines of paid employment and unpaid 'leisure time' in the household. The chance to try out at leisure those neglected skills, talents and interests in a residential setting subsidised by the local government, was very much appreciated. Subjects on offer included Psychology, Dress Making, Politics and Household Economy, Music and Drama. (See full list on

ESSAYS/YORKSHIRE EDUCATION/Lambton Castle brochure, and Formal Opening Lambton Castle.

During the 1950s, when Residential Colleges of Adult Education thrived, though all too briefly, tutors and students could take for granted access to excellent library facilities in municipal libraries and within the libraries of local universities, so that their initial start in studying a particular subject kindled by attendance at a residential course could be consolidated.

That is no longer the case. Hard copy library books are hard to come by in many localities in the UK. Hence the need for the Douglas Social Credit Collection to be accessed as a reference resource. The plan is to stimulate the growth of local hard copy libraries, so that they are freely available to residents in every town and village of the UK. Considering how much money can be found to train young people in the military skills necessary to go to war (and to be employed to make weapons of mass destruction) there must be ways to aid discussion of alternatives to poverty and warfare?

See Blog entry 6 May 2024, What is Adult Education?

Monday, 6 May 2024

What is Adult Education?

They Came to the Castle is a film about a group of people participating in a course on film making at a residential college for adult education. For a few years after the trauma of WWII, Lambton Castle Residential College for Adult Education was run under the auspices of Durham County Council Education Committee. Adult education as a whole reflects a specific philosophy about learning and teaching based on the assumption that adults are self-motivated to learn, that they are able and willing to take responsibility for the learning, and that the learning itself should respond to their needs.

In practice, adult education can take three basic forms. Structured learning typically takes place in an education or training institution. Non-formal learning opportunities may be provided through the activities of civil society organizations and groups. And informal learning goes on all the time in daily life through work, family, community or leisure activities. Of recent decades systematic and sustained self-education practice has been starved of time and resources. Residential colleges like Lambton Castle were used by

"Small groups of aspiring adults who desire to keep their minds fresh and vigorous; who begin to learn by confronting pertinent situations; who dig down into the reservoirs of their secondary facts; who are led in the discussion by teachers who are also seekers after wisdom and not oracles: this constitutes the setting for adult education the modern quest for life’s meaning." Eduard C. Lindeman 2The Meaning of Adult Education (1926)

Eduard C. Lindeman (May 9, 1885 – April 13, 1953) was born in St. Clair, Michigan, one of ten children of German immigrant parents, Frederick and Frederika (von Piper) Lindemann. Orphaned at an early age, Lindeman gained work experience through jobs as stable cleaner, nurseryman, gravedigger, brickyard worker, and deliverer of groceries while attending formal schooling only intermittently. At age 22, he gained admittance to Michigan State College with academic skills well below average in the areas of reading and writing abilities. Despite this, as an undergraduate he authored essays, poetry, editorials, and a four-act play. Lindeman also wrote one of the first books on community development, was an early explorer of group work, and worked to extend popular education. He was a pioneer on many interlocking fronts- a pioneer social scientist with an allegiance to both science and to society and its processes and also a pioneer in adult education and social philosophy.

"Adult education is a co-operative venture in non-authoritarian, informal learning the chief purpose of which is to discover the meaning of experience; a quest of the mind which digs down to the roots of the preconceptions which formulate our conduct; a technique of learning for adults which makes education coterminous with life, and hence elevates living itself to the level of an experiment."

What is Adult Education? (1925) p. 3

A purpose of adult education might be to not only sustain the democratic society, but to even challenge and improve its social structure. Presently, a common problem in adult education is the lack of professional development opportunities for adult educators. The course on film making at Lambton Castle College was tutored by veteran amateur film maker George Cummins, a member of Newcastle and District Amateur Cinematographers Association. Over the decades since the film was made, adult education, as defined by Lindeman and others, has faded right away. 'Education' has come to mean nothing more than training for paid employment on terms dictated by the corporate world.

"Adult education will become an agency of progress if its short-term goal of self-improvement can be made compatible with a long-term, experimental but resolute policy of changing the social order."

The Meaning of Adult Education (1926)

The Yorkshire (Adult) Educational Association seeks to assist social action groups in furthering that end. NOTE: Wikipedia on Adult Education was a useful source for this article. 

Note that the film They Came to a Castle can be seen via 

Also note that the film They Came to a Castle is made available by Yorkshire Film Archive.

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Social Credit Rediscovered


The financial system is entirely man-made. It is not, like the weather systems, subject to external forces. Humanity watches as poverty rises amidst plenty, alongside ecological degradation and social deprivation, whilst senior economists remain dumbfounded. Parents are encouraged to be working-for-wages outside the home, whilst benefits are denied to the sick and the age of retirement is raised "because the economy cannot afford to pay out pensions". The general public know no better than to accept the make believe tales put forward by political economists.

It was not always so. During the 1920s and 1930s, across the globe, bodies of intelligent, socially committed individuals read, studies, taught and discussed in local groups, wrote books, pamphlets and articles, broadcast, campaigned and achieved political representation on the theme of the history, theory and practice of finance, with specific reference to Major Clifford Hugh Douglas and his Social Credit economics.

And in 2010 Brian Leslie, long-standing Editor of the Green Party Economics Newsletter Sustainable Economics, reviewed my latest book, Understanding the Financial System: Social Credit Rediscovered ( Jon Carpenter.) Copies circulated across the UK to local, regional, national and European Green Party campaigners and elected politicians.

Understanding the Financial System is available electronically on the Douglas Social Credit website .

BOOK REVIEW by Brian Leslie

Understanding the Financial System: Social Credit Rediscovered Frances Hutchinson (Jon Carpenter Publishing, 2010)

This book was of great interest to me [Brian Leslie], as I was introduced to its subject matter in my childhood in the 1930s, by my parents, who were active campaigners for Social Credit, and I attended the last few meetings, after WW2, of the Social Credit Party, with its leader, John Hargrave. I read Douglas's main boo .‹s and those of som.e other advocates of SC, such as C Marshal Hattersley's This Age of Plenty, in my youth. The post-war corporate wiping from history of the ideas and movement for SC was illustrated to me when, in 1952, I heard on the lunchtime BBC radio news, of the landslide victory for it in British Columbia in the Canadian elections. This was accompanied by a few sentences about the aims of SC; but in that evening, in the 6 o'clock and nine o'clock news, not even the tact of the election result was mentioned!

My parents met as Esperantists, and were advocates of libertarian education, introducing me to the ideas of AS Neil, practiced at his Summerhill School. Thus I absorbed in my childhood ideas of the unity of mankind, as well as of the distinction between the real. economy and the financial one, which dominates and shapes the real.

I was aware that conventional economics confuses physical and financial capital, and that the potential abundance due to the application of technology to production was turned to waste by the grossly unequal distribution of the results of the 'common cultural inheritance' and the 'increment of association'. These are the concepts CH Douglas introduced as justifying Social Credit's advocacy of 'National Dividends — or Basic Incomes — lack of which makes wage-slaves and/or debt-slaves of almost everyone.

In all of this time, I found no suggestion that SC, or the wider movement for monetary reform, was in any way anti-Semitic — in fact, some of the closest colleagues of my parents in their campaigning were Jewish!

Thus I am, perhaps, biased in favour of the theme of this book, which is exposing both the history of the widespread and rapidly growing support for SC, despite the hostility to it in the public media, in the period between the World Wars, and the distortion of history to discredit it and to minimize attention to it, since WW2, with virtually complete elimination of its ideas from the teaching of economics— and the use of accusations of anti-semitism to stop any discussion of the issue.

While I had foreknowledge of much of the book's contents, I found this considerably expanded by the detail it contains. It contains many extracts from material both for and against SC, and lengthy discussion of its origins and related ideas, from Guild Socialism, the writings of Thorstein Nreblen, and Rudolph Steiner's conception of the Threefold Commonwealth — the three related spheres of society: cultural, political and economic. In all, it shows how tragic was the failure to introduce reform of the system of money creation and distribution in the 1930s.

Douglas argued that the aims of everlasting economic growth and 'full employment', despite the growing use of machinery to replace human labour, were unrealistic and unsustainable. He predicted as early as 1920 that, if the creation of money remained in the power of private banks and distribution of purchasing power through National Dividends was not instituted, with adequate money issued into existence to end 'poverty in the midst of plenty', then worldwide depression would result, and lead inevitably to WW2. National Dividends would introduce 'economic democracy) and establish the 'sovereignty of the individual'.

Douglas noted that while money was in desperately short supply in peacetime, it was created as freely as required in time of war.

He did not propose any detailed way to change the way money should be created, but argued that it should be for public benefit, not private profit. Subsequent experience amply confirms his views. 'He who pays the piper calls the tune', The banks are the 'piper', and they 'call the tune' of all other institutions, including governments.

It was clear to me in the early 1960s, when Prime Minister Harold Macmillan proclaimed that 'we've never had it so good!', just how much better we could have 'had it', but for the distortions of the 'economy' due to the dominance of debt-money'; we could have had leisure, and far less waste of materials and effort.

Although the most senior economists of the day debated with Douglas, both in print and on public platforms, none found any genuine flaws in Douglas's analysis of the true relationship between the material economy and the financial system. Since the financial system was man-made, Douglas argued it could be studied and reformed to suit the wishes of the people. In his view, if given a choice, the people would prefer a secure sufficiency. rather than everlasting growth and uncertainty.

This is a book which should be widely distributed and studied. It carries an extensive bibliography and lists of references for each chapter. It exposes the disastrous domination of the real, productive economy by the financial interests, and their power over the institutions of government, education, commerce, and public media. The recent near-collapse of the financial system under the growing weight of unredeemable debt — which threatens worse to come — should help to open people's eyes to the need for reform, along the lines outlined so long ago. Read the book, and then use the internet to join and spread debate on this vital issue.

Brian Leslie, Editor, Sustainable Economics  Green Party Economics Newsletter 2010

Taking up the baton again where Brian Leslie leaves off, from 2010 to the present there has continued to be no focal point for the continued discussion of alternatives to a money system that is wrecking the earth. The only thing we have to hand is the Douglas Social Credit website,\ which has become an archive of the social, political, economic history of the broad school of guild socialist literature, of which social credit forms a part.

Thursday, 18 April 2024

Allotments and the Household


An allotment is a plot of land made available for growing food and so forming a kitchen garden away from the residence of the allotment holder. Such plots are formed by subdividing a piece of land into a few or up to several hundred plots. these are assigned to be cultivated by individual households, in contrast to 'community gardens' where the entire area is tended collectively by a group of people.

The individual size of an allotment is suffiecient to provide for the needs of a family. Often the plots include a shed for tools and shelter, and sometimes a hut for overnight accommodation. There is usually an allotment association, which leases or is granted the land from an owner who may be a public, private or ecclesiastical entity. The allotment holders pay a small membership fee to the association and have to abide by the corresponding constitution as interpreted by the management committee. Allotments and community gardens can be found all over the world, and have a fascinating history.

In the UK, the Enclosure Acts and Commons Acts of the 18th and 19th centuries left many poor households without land for cultivation to provide for healthy food for their families. In due course of time allotment legislation was enacted. The law was first fully codified in the Small Holdings and Allotments Act, then modified by the Allotments Act 1922, and subsequent Allotments Acts up until the Allotments Act 1950. To this day, local councils have a duty to supply sufficient allotments to meet demand.

Studies of the socio-cultural and economic functions of allotment gardens see them as offering an improved quality of life, low cost food, relaxation, and contact with nature. For children, gardens offer places to play, to encounter the world of nature, and to experience activities like planting and harvesting. For parents, the elderly and for the depressed, and the physically challenged, allotment sites offer opportunity to meet people, to share good practice. The total number of plots has varied greatly over time. In the 19th and early 20th century, the allotment system supplied much of the fresh vegetables eaten by the poorer families. The better off families relied on the kitchen gardens attached to their residences. In both cases, the food supplied to the households was healthy and fresh, coming directly from soil to table, being free from agribusiness fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides and preservatives.

Over the course of the 20th century it became increasingly difficult for children to say with any certainty how their food made its way from soil to table. Many had no idea where on earth it came from. I have seen a 7 year old boy walking round and round a cabbage growing in my kitchen garden, trying to puzzle out why it was standing in the soil. Cabbages, for him, grew on supermarket shelves. The parents themselves had spent their childhoods indoors, feeding on pre-prepared food as their parents, in turn, honoured their supposed obligation to "grow" the financial economy.

To be continued...

You may already have seen this Julian Rose interview about organic farming and food agenda?

See Also Blog; Child Care Policy and the Economy, Maria Lyons, 3 April 2024

Friday, 12 April 2024

Creative Listening


Additional note from unknown source

found in the Creative Listening booklet

So if you go to people expecting them to be something, you get it. If you go simply thinking, "I'm now going to see a son or daughter of God, somebody who really carries this wonderful divine spark inside the same as I do. I'm going to meet a sister or brother. Who knows what this will lead to, who knows what amazing promises will emerge," emerge they do, you see, as I've found out often enough. What helps these promises to emerge, when one meets people, is to make oneself very available to them, to listen very carefully.

Listening is a very important human ability which we are on the whole not good at because of the noise of our own thoughts, the noise of our own computer ticking over with its associations and its habitual responses. But if one really listens, it's an act of self-abnegation, making oneself available to that person, stopping being the automatic creature that most of us are most of the time, machine-like. One is becoming fully human, and the contact that one establishes when one is really listening and giving attention, awareness and consciousness to another person, is the contact which comes from the more real parts of ourselves below the part which is automatic and machine-like. The automatic and machine-like part is very important, of course. You have to be able to respond automatically, for instance, when you drive cars or ride bicycles or feed yourself or scratch when you've got an itch and not think about it. Otherwise it would take an interminable time. It's when this automatic part takes over what should be the human function, the human contact, then we do each other great damage. What is in our computer, the automatic part, is a skilled knowledge of how to cope with certain sorts of situations which need coping with mechanically, but it's also more. It has all sorts of false ideas, and it's ignorant about a number of things. It's also influenced by the pain from hurts which we have. They come out automatically, too, so our automatic response is sometimes based on ignorance. ... (continued in the pages of the unknown publication. )

COMMENT: Go to website : to ESSAYS\Yorkshire Educational Association \ and find Creative Listening booklet by Rachel Spinney, reproduced as a guide to facilitating group discussions.

See also on the same page, The Tutor and the WEA.

Friday, 5 April 2024

Flyer No 1 for DSC Website

 It has belatedly been drawn to my attention that, in these days of crisis and confusion in the social sphere, much very useful literature is sitting idly on the website. You are therefore invited to explore the website by following a series of selected links, and in doing so to spot other interesting material you pass along the way.


Promotes group study of the causes of war.

Mr Bevan's Dream

In 1989 Sue Townsend wrote a small but highly readable book entitled Mr Bevan's Dream. The book tells the story of the socialist dream of a National Health Service free at the point of need, and more...

Find Mr Bevan's Dream by going to RESOURCES page, scroll down to SOCIAL ART RESOURCES, and scroll down to ART AND SOCIAL CREDIT. Some way down the list you will find the full document.

In passing, note Peter Maurin's Easy Essays, reproduced by The Catholic Worker.