Monday 14 June 2010

Money Truth

Money may finally curb science, if money is not curbed. … Money has made goods so plentiful that there is a revolutionary thought knocking, knocking, knocking for admission to the mind and heart of man. It is the thought that if goods are easily come by, should not money be come by as easily – money which is the arithmetical symbol of the goods? It is the thought that if Science, which is man, can make goods so easily, cannot man, who is Science, make ‘money’ with as little effort? It is the disturbing, the perplexing, the embryonic thought, that money is perhaps after all not a ‘natural’ phenomenon. The thing that gives money its frightful power – the black magic of it – is just the assumption, imbibed by us with our mothers’ milk, that Money is a natural phenomenon – the one really natural one in a naughty world. Now, once the suspicion that this is not a fact finds tendency in man’s mind, the Money Power of today is in danger, unless, of course, Money succeeds again as in the past in the establishment of a financial inquisition frightful enough to terrify man out of his heresy. 
Extract from Artist Among the Bankers
Will Dyson, (J.M. Dent, 1933)
These prophetic words were written before the Second World War ‘solved’ the economic problem of the depression years.

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