Thursday 17 February 2022


 A frequently asked question is WHY? What are the powers-that-be, up to as they commit those crimes against humanity against which Reimer Fuellmich has now launched his case? Fuellmich may well be right, we muse, but what on earth have the authorities to gain from pursuing that course of action? The wicked uncle can engineer a situation where the unwary nephew slips on the banana skin. But why should he bother to do that? What is he up to? If ill-health and malaise abound, if people are indeed dying from the side effects of Big Pharma products, surely there will be no wealth or welfare for the super-rich or anybody else to enjoy. What's the point?

The answer is quite simple. The fault lies in our inability to recognise that consensus politics has long since disappeared from the scene, locally, nationally and internationally. We continue to assume that we all want the same things - peace, prosperity, health, welfare and happiness for all, imagining we merely differ in our opinions of the best way of achieving that end. And that's where we are going so horribly wrong. There is another agenda, and it has been around for a very long time, that is, for at least a century and a half.

The alternative watchword is "progress". The natural world as a whole, and humanity itself, need to be improved upon. They are fundamentally flawed, and await the scientific and technological progress being perfected by Anthony Fauchi, Bill Gates, and the entire Big Pharma brigade. The sky is, quite literally, the limit. We can reach the moon, the stars, the planets. We can create artificial habitats, Artificial Intelligence, and Eden Valleys in space containing robot bees. We have developed ways to correct all manner of faults in human bodies. We can cross animal, plant and human genes, create clones with desirable characteristics as foretold in dystopian novels. We have no further use for primitive human beings tied to the land, family and community. As we create drones and driverless vehicles we can move humanity forward into an endless game of model railways where we, the masters, are in control.

For decades we have allowed the 'experts' to experiment with our bodies, taking our sperm from our loins and our eggs from our ovaries, in order to provide embryo human beings for experimentation. Women's bodies have long been sites for experimentation. Our experiments with vaccines and the like may cause harm, but after all, taking a long term view, we don't need a large world population any longer. In fact, it is entirely dispensable. We can create all the clones and drones necessary to maintain the course of human progress. There is no room for sentimental regrets. Just face the facts: you can't stop progress.

Rational, Scientific, Economic Man has reserved to himself the right to play on into the future on the toy model railway he has created. He has no time for beauty, truth or love.


Robert F Kennedy, Jr. (2022) The Real Anthony Fauchi: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. (Available electronically. Soon to be available in print in UK).

Jeremy Naydler, (2020) The Struggle for a Human Future: 5G, Augmented Reality and the Internet of Things, Temple Lodge.

Eimar O’Duffy, (1933) Asses in Clover Jon Carpenter (2003 edition)

Pat Spallone, (1989) Beyond Conception: The New Politics of Reproduction, Macmillan Education.

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